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Universität Mozarteum Salzburg 
30.6.2019, 18:00   
Saal: Solitär

Im Rahmen des Symposions MIKROTÖNE der 
Internationalen Gesellschaft für Ekmelische Musik 

Stimmung is a piece for six vocalists and six microphones, written in 1968 and commissioned
by the City of Cologne for the Collegium Vocale Köln. Its average length is seventy minutes . The
composition is based entirely on the production of vocal harmonics over a B Major Seven Nine
Chord and uses overtones as a primary element“ .By gradual transformation/assimilation of 51
rhythmic models the singers weave a rhythmic polyphonic sound texture. According to the 1986
Hyperion Singcircle liner notes: In each section a new overtone melody or ‚model‘ is introduced
and repeated several times. Each female voice leads a new section eight times, and each male voice, nine times.
Some of the other singers gradually have to transform their own material
until they have come into ‚identity‘ with the lead singer of the section ... by adopting the same
... tempo, rhythm and dynamics. When the lead singer feels that ‚identity‘ has been reached,
he or she makes a gesture to another singer who leads the next section. Each model is a set of
rhythmic phonetic patterns, often with actual words used as their basis, such as ‚Hallelujah‘ or
‚Saturday‘. In 29 of the sections, ‚magic names‘ are called out. These are the names of gods and
goddesses from many cultures—Aztec, aboriginal and Ancient Greek, for instance—and have to
be incorporated into the character of the model. The erotic and intimate love-poems that are
recited were written by Stockhausen ‚during amorous days‘ in 1967. (Rose and Ireland 1986)

Lucia Hausladen, Sopran 1
Lisa Fornhammar, Sopran 2
Gertraud Steinkogler-Wurzinger, Alt  (Leitung) 
Roman Stalla, Tenor 1
Konstantin Riedl, Tenor 2
Jeffrey Herminghaus, Bass
Our ensemble consists of students , alumni and teachers of the Mozarteum University. We started
to study „ Stimmung“ in autum 2018 and met quite regularily

 Thanks for the performance and overtone coaching: Angelika Luz, Natascha Nikeprlevic and
Anna Maria Hefele.
For our performance tonight we thank:
Ruben Hawer, Klangregisseur
Jan Fredrich /Andi Greiml/Mathias Maedl, Bühnentechnik und Klang
Achim Bornhöft/Alexander Bauer, Institut für Neue Musik